2022-07-20 HKDSE Results Release12 images |
2022-06-30 Flag-raising Ceremony22 images |
2022-06-24 Learning Celebrations19 images |
2022-05-25 26 流動繩網陣 香港遊樂場協會29 images |
2022-05-23 Explorer Bun FestivalSave a trip to Cheung Chau, we moved the Bun Tower to Sir EK! Our NCS Chinese, Citizenship and Social Development, Life and Society and Travel and Hospitality Studies Departments jointly organized a cross curriculum activity for students to understand a very unique culture in Hong Kong – Bun Festival. (太平清醮) Having a chance to write their wishes of 「平安」on the ‘Ping On Bun’, students also make wishes for their iGCSE Exam and wishes for Hong Kong to come through the pandemic. 8 images |
2022-01-24 25 Thorough cleansing and disinfection works of the school campusThorough cleansing and disinfection works of the school campus have been carried out on 24 & 25 January 2022 by professional companies, Germagic. 7 images |
2021-12-22 Talent Show62 images |
2021-11-26 Speech Day58 images |
2021-10-05 06 MVPA60+ Promotion Day22 images |
2021-09-28 街坊小子木偶劇場-木偶劇表演9 images |
2021-09-01 First School Day Assembly11 images |
2021-08-26 Orientation Day33 images |
Powered by Youth Forum 202112 images |
Three-day Winter STEM Camp (18th to 20th December 2021)10 images · 1 video |
Ng Teng Fong scholarhip 20217 images |
Excellent results in HKDSE6 images |
Flag-raising ceremony42 images |
Good Customer Service Award2 images |
English Time – June 2022After a two-year hiatus – due to extensive periods of face-to-face lesson suspensions brought about by the pandemic – the English Department’s week of fun activities to promote learning outside the classroom came out of hibernation, albeit in a slightly different guise, under its’ new moniker, English Time. A collaboration between the English Department, the Promotion of Reading Committee, the Debating Club, and the English Club brought to being English Time in June 2022. Spread over two weeks, a variety of engaging activities was on the menu, including ‘Blind Date with a Book’, ‘The Masked Readers’, Encanto film show, a public speaking competition, and ‘Time to Climb’ online game for linear equations. The positive response and buzz from participants for each of the different events indicated that English Time was a resounding success for learning English through fun activities. 4 images |
Language-across-the-Curriculum Project, 2021-2022In collaboration with the Language Learning Support Section of the Education Bureau, the school’s English and Mathematics Departments successfully carried out Language-across-the-Curriculum projects in 2C and 2D classes. The English and math teachers worked hand in hand to equip students with the necessary skills to deliver the products of their learning. The first project - encompassing the topics of green living and statistical diagrams - had students present an investigation of a social issue, which included food waste, interpersonal relationships, healthy lifestyle and internet safety. Having analyzed the findings of their surveys, the data was illustrated using appropriate statistical diagrams and presented for peer and teacher evaluation. Students’ clear and comprehensive oral presentations caught the audience’s attention and drew great praise. The second project focused on supporting the solving of math word problems – linear equations in two unknowns - with English language teaching. With the newly acquired knowledge under their belts, the students wrote math problems that were pooled for all to solve in a fun-filled ‘Time to Climb’ online game in Nearpod. Shrieks of excitement filled the class room as groups of students advanced towards the summit of the mountain with each correctly solved math problem. Their climb to the summit proved that they had conquered linear equations as a result of the project. Both LaC projects succeeded in developing students’ reading skills, building vocabulary, reinforcing relevant grammar items and knowledge structures, and consolidated their math knowledge. Furthermore, student confidence was enhanced and values education – covering responsibility, obligation, respect and conscientiousness – was given a boost. The LaC projects were a win-win situation for all involved. 4 images · 1 video |
2022 第廿二屆全港校際標準舞及拉丁舞大賽2 images |