School Album 2023-2024

2024-06-22 舞蹈組廣州交流活動

6A student Rana Yubika and 6C student Rai Auyshma were selected to participate in a cultural exchange program sponsored by the Hong Kong School Dance Association at Guangzhou from June 22-23. During the visit, Yubika and Auyshma do the performance that earned them a win at their school's 60th annual dance festival. The students are accompanied by teachers Miss Yu Dick Kwan and Miss Ng Kit Lai.

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2024-05-25 Prize Presentation Ceremony of Inter-school Chinese-style Foot Drill Competition

This year's “Prize Presentation Ceremony of Inter-school Chinese-style Foot Drill Competition” is hosted by our school and co-organized by the Junior Police Call and Hong Kong Police Force. A total of 95 government, aided and direct subsidy primary and secondary schools have participated in the competition. After a professional assessment by the Junior Police Call's Chinese foot drill volunteer instructors, a total of 15 secondary schools and 15 primary schools advanced to the finals which were held at the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Headquarters on 20 April.
The prize presentation ceremony of the competition was successfully held on 25 May at Police Officers' Club in Causeway Bay. We are honored to invite The Secretary for Security, Mr. Tang Ping-keung, and the Permanent Secretary for Education, Ms. LI Mei Sheung, to attend and serve as officiating guests at the ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, different awards were awarded to each participating team, and the students' efforts during practice and competition were recognized and encouraged. There were many wonderful performances during the ceremony. These include performances by the dragon and lion dance team formed by students with the Hong Kong Police Chinese Martial Arts Association, as well as student singing and oriental dance performances.

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2024-04-14 Fire dept openday Project Lighthouse

The National Security Education Day - Fire and Ambulance Services Academy Open Day
Project Lighthouse by Security Bureau
We had the opportunity to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the fire and ambulance services, as well as the importance of national security education. Overall, it was a fun and informative day that highlighted the importance of national security and the crucial role that the fire and ambulance services play in keeping our communities safe. We left feeling grateful for the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to ensure our safety and with a renewed commitment to do our part in maintaining national security.

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2024-04-11 Xue Long 2 Project Lighthouse

Visit to Xue Long 2 Project Lighthouse by Security Bureau
Xue Long 2 is the China’s homemade icebreaker. It is a nice chance to get on the Xue Long 2 if you are interested in maritime technology and exploration. The staff on board were very knowledgeable and happy to answer any questions we had. Overall, it was a fascinating experience and I highly recommend visiting the Xue Long 2 if you have the opportunity.

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2024-03-15 Learning Celebrations

Our school's annual Learning Celebrations Ceremony was held on 15 March. The ceremony was kicked off with a prize-giving session, where outstanding students were honoured for their exceptional academic and non-academic achievements. Prizes were awarded for academic excellence, social service and artistic talent. Following the prize-giving, the ceremony moved on to a sharing session. Student presenters shared their Chinese learning experiences, learning outcomes from a study tour in London, experience gained from participating in a jewellery design competition and the joy of attaining certification in barista skills. After that, a lively dance and an enthralling drama performance impressed us. The ceremony was filled with excitement and joy.

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2024-03-08 Parents' Day

Our Parents’ Day was finally held on 8 March, 2024 this year. Most of parents attended Parents' Day and had meetings with the class teachers to understand more about the learning progress of their children at school.
We hope that all the parents gained valuable insights and had a positive experience from the Parents' Day event. Collaboration between parents and school is a crucial factor in fostering the healthy development of students. Thank you for your support to our school, and we look forward to seeing you again in future parent events.

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2024-02-20 Belt and Road Medical Humanitarian Aid Educational Talk

The talk aims to broaden the horizon of young people on humanitarian work, cultivate a new generation of humanitarian aid workers, and inspire the youth to participate in future projects related to people-to-people connectivity within the Belt and Road Initiative.
A medical student from The Chinese University of Hong Kong shared her overseas humanitarian work experiences as a GX Foundation intern. After her sharing, students had real-time interactions with field medical teams in Africa. Students were eager to ask the humanitarian aid workers questions. The talk was inspiring.

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2024-01-30 Tung Wah Group of Hospital Wellness Express

In order to enhance students’ mental health awareness and positive emotions, the “Wellness Express” operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals came to our school and provided various handicraft workshops to our students on 30th January 2024.

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2024-01-22 Racial Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme

In order to promote racial inclusion and create a school campus with racial harmony, our school has joined the Racial Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme this year.
On 22 Jan, 2024, we are honored to have guest speakers from Race Relations Unit Home Affairs Department, joining us to give us a talk. Mr. Fahaid, Mr. Ali, Ms. Jess, and Ms. Amy discussed the customs and practices of several South Asian countries. They also shared with the students how they learned Cantonese and integrated into this society. The talk was informative and inspiring. The students benefited a lot from it.

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2023-12-15 P.6 Information Day and Open Day

The P.6 Information Day kicked off with the Dragon Dance Eye Dotting Ceremony which was officiated by the Guest of Honour, Ms. Chow Mei Chun, Headmistress of Jordan Road Government Primary School. Then Principal Lee gave a welcome speech and introduction of our school, followed by the Inter-primary Schools Hindi/Urdu Story Telling and English Impromptu Prose Reading Competitions.
After the entertainment programme, our young visitors were invited to join all the fun at the workshops tailor-made by the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Science, Home Economics and Physical Education.
It was a precious morning for the young visitors to learn more about the unique character of our school and get a taste of enjoying their learning in real international and cross-cultural atmosphere. They are most welcome to join our big family and share our success and joy in SEKSS.

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2023-11-24 Speech Day 2022-23

Our Speech Day was held on 24 November, 2023. The ceremony kicked off with the Principal’s report on the students’ achievements in external and internal examinations.
The Guest of Honour, Mrs Michele Lai, founder and director of Kids4Kids Limited, delivered an inspirational speech on the importance of developing a positive growth mindset and being persistent in overcoming any barriers.
The ceremony concluded with multicultural performances by students including an oriental dance by the School Oriental Dance Team, a Bhangra dance by the Bhangra Dance Team, a Putonghua solo verse speaking performance by 1A Qiu Mavis and the musical ‘The Melody of Transmutation’ by our English Drama Team in collaboration with the Chinese Ensemble.

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2023-11-14 Low Carbon Energy visit

On 2nd November 2023, our S2 students were inspired to address environmental challenges as part of the Integrated Science Curriculum. They toured City University’s Low Carbon Energy Educational Centre and were guided to build a wind turbine using Lego.

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2023-10-30 Outreach Briefing on District Administration Review

SHYA introduces work on improving district governance to our teachers and students
The Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs (SHYA), Miss Alice Mak, visited our school on 30 October 2023 to share with teachers and students the Government's work on improving district governance and to appeal to members of the public to cast their votes in the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election.

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2023-10-15 Hunger Run

Congratulations to 4B LIMBU BASANT, 4C GURUNG RESAB and PED students for Excellent Achievements in the Cha Kee HUNGER RUN 2023.
Basant won Champion and Resab won 2nd runner up in the 1km Milk Tea Teen organized by social enterprise FOODSPORT which organized this HUNGER RUN 2023 to create a platform and encourage the public to cultivate healthy life style. At the same time, converting all burnt calories into the equivalent number of calories worth of food for donation to local charities and under-privileged groups in Hong Kong.

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2023-09-26-29 Sports Day

Sports Day is one of the most beloved events of our school. This year, Sports Day (Heat) and Sports Day (Final) were held on 26th and 29th September 2023 at Sham Shui Po Sports Ground. We were honored to have Mr. LEE Chun-man, assistant principal of Sha Tin Government Secondary School, to be our honorable guest. We started the day with our flag raising ceremony. Throughout the course of the day, various track and field events such as running, jumping, and throwing were conducted. Everyone remained supportive of one another during the whole event. The winners who made it to the victory felt proud of being awarded the medals and appreciation from the chief guest. To support the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou, we held a special event on Sports Day (Final). The whole school including the Principal, assistant principals, teachers and students participated in the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou Walk in the morning. We all walked together around the sports ground with the music The Love We Share 同愛同在 to cheer for our Hong Kong athletes. Thank you again to everybody who made this year's Sports Day possible, and to everybody who participated - Well done!

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2023-08-29 S1 Orientation Day Camp 2023-2024

The Orientation Day Camp for the new S1 students was held on 29 August 2023 in Fanling, Hong Kong. Which is an exciting event focused on team building and fostering a sense of community among students. One of the highlights of the camp is the opportunity for students to engage in a team-building activity where they work together to build a tent. This activity not only promotes collaboration and problem-solving skills but also encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility and teamwork. Additionally, the camp ensures that students are provided with a healthy lunch to fuel their energy throughout the day. During the camp, students are encouraged to actively participate in sharing sessions, where they can express their thoughts and experiences. To commemorate the event, a group photo is taken, capturing the memories and camaraderie shared during the orientation day camp.

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2023-08-28 Orientation Day

On the morning of 28 August, 2023, the school hall buzzed with excitement as new students and their parents gathered for Orientation Day. Principal Lee Tung-ching delivered a warm welcome address, setting the tone for the event. Engaging PowerPoint presentations were conducted, shedding light on various aspects of the school, including its programmes, facilities, and extracurricular activities. The event also provided an opportunity for participants to meet their respective class teachers, fostering a sense of connection and support. The overall response from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, leaving new students eager to embark on their educational journey at SEK.

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2023-09-16 「心繫家國」 - 國慶慶祝暨聯校國民教育活動啟動禮 The Celebration of National Day cum Kick-off Ceremony of the Inter-school Activities of Government Schools

The Celebration of National Day cum Kick-off Ceremony of the Inter-school Activities of Government Schools was held in our school on 16 September 2023. Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP, Secretary for Education and Ms. LI Mei-sheung, Michelle, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education were the guests of honour.

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The 6th Jewellery Design Competition

On 21 October, 2023, three junior form students participated in the competition. They unlashed their creativity and created fascinating jewellery items. Li Yeuk Mei Yuet, from Class 2B, won the Championship in Junior Form Session and Chan Wing Yan, from Class 3B, got the Outstanding Design Award in Junior Form Session. Congratulations on achieving such a significant milestone.

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Greater Bay Area Innovation and Technology History and Culture Exchange Programme

During the summer vacation, Vice Principal Mr. Chan Chi-man and teacher Mr. LIN Chi-heng led five students from our school to participate in the Greater Bay Area Innovation and Technology/History and Culture Exchange Programme. The exchange programme provided opportunities for students to further understand the development of the country by visiting the mainland's historical and cultural buildings, industrial bases, technological innovation enterprises, national and fire protection agencies, etc.
This event was jointly organized by the Yau Tsim Mong District Office and the Hong Kong Fire Services Department. Commissioner Yu Kin-keung of the District Office also joined us in the three-day and two-night event. A total of two middle schools were invited to participate in the exchange programme. Our school is fortunate to be a part of them, allowing students to broaden their knowledge through exchange group activities. During the activities, the students had created many unforgettable memories. Among them, the students were most impressed by their visit to the car production line and a car was produced in two minutes in the factory. They also found their visit to the night market and the night view of Guangzhou very unforgettable. After the activities, the participating students shared that the exchange programme broadened the horizons and that they benefited a lot from the experience.

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V-STAR Positive Youth Move It Up Program

S.3 Community Service
V-STAR Positive Youth  Move It Up Program
“Serving the community, being a good youth”
The Service Education Committee, the Moral, Civic, National Education Committee and the Counselling & Guidance Committee co-organized the above captioned activity. This activity was organized by Hok Yau Club(學友社) & Youth Development Commission(青年發展委員會), sponsored by Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. All the S.3 students and all S.3 CTs & ACTs visited the elderly who live alone in Kwun Tong on 27th January (Saturday). It is a good opportunity for the students to show empathy and care for the elderly.

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Young Entrepreneurs 2023

Youth Summit 2023 & Young Entrepreneurs 2023
10 S4 & S5 students joined the Youth Summit by Kids4Kids 2023 on 16 September, 7 and 21 October 2023. These activities were held in the Singapore International School. Some talks and discussions were arranged for students. Through participating in the Youth Summit, students met and learnt from peers from other schools and they were inspired by experts from various industries. They also explored and discussed some local and international social issues. Furthermore, they attempted to acquire innovative problem-solving skills and entered the competition to implement their Young Entrepreneurs projects.
This year, two teams of our students were selected for the Kids4Kids Young Entrepreneurs Programme 2023-24. They are going to implement their Young Entrepreneurs projects with seed funds and mentor support from Kids4Kids for 6 months.
Mau Yee Tung Melanie (4A) and Tam Kam Hei (5B) from EcoGuard Solutions Igloria Chloe Faye, Lubag Zya Moreen Libuit, Thapa Agrim (4A) and Lee Chun Ngai (5A) from Peace B-Well
Peace B-Well is the winner of Young Entrepreneurs 2023, congratulations!

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Rainbow Life Programme

The Programme provides opportunities once a month for the newly arrived students to explore Hong Kong and know more about the community.

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Project Lighthouse- MISSION – Photo Exhibition

"Mission" Photo Exhibition, organised by the Hong Kong Chinese Arts and Culture Promotion Foundation in association with the Hong Kong Federation of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, is held at the Exhibition Gallery of Hong Kong Central Library. The exhibited photographs range from daily training to operations and activities of the Hong Kong Police Force, Immigration Department, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, Correctional Services Department, Fire Services Department, Government Flying Service, Auxiliary Medical Service and Civil Aid Service. There were also eight different booths featuring the six disciplinary and two auxiliary services under the Hong Kong Security Bureau, to enhance the public understanding of these departments, strengthen the awareness of law and order, and advocate civic consciousness.
Project Lighthouse which is organized by the Security Bureau (in collaboration with a non-profit making organization) provides services to non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) students especially those less academically strong.

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English Week

Several subject departments, clubs and committees joined hands to hold English Week, which was an extraordinary cross-curricular success in nurturing the values of love and friendship while fostering English language learning. The theme In Love We Share, In Love We Grow resonated throughout the week, creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. From deciphering sayings of wisdom to engaging in prose reading and public speaking, students were immersed in activities that encouraged meaningful connections and self-expression. The collaboration between the Home Economics Department resulted in delectable heart-shaped cookies, symbolizing the love for mothers on their special day. The heartfelt messages written in the activity "To Mum With Love" added an additional touch of appreciation and gratitude, showcasing the deep bond between children and their mothers. Very apt as Mother’s Day was celebrated on 12 May 2024! The Kahoot Math Riddles Competition showcased the students' intellectual prowess, while the film screening of Charlotte's Web touched hearts with its profound message of friendship. The week truly exemplified the power of love, friendship, language, and learning in shaping young minds and fostering a harmonious school community.

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