Health & Sex Education
The healthy lifestyle message is promoted in school. Various activities are organized with the aim of providing students with the necessary knowledge to enable them to make wise lifestyle choices and also to participate in activities that promote and reinforce the healthy lifestyle message.

Our Objectives:

  • To disseminate students the knowledge of healthiness

  • To arouse students' awareness of personal hygiene and social hygiene

  • To cultivate a sense of awareness of better health of the body and the mind among the students

  • To foster a positive attitude towards sex


    Ms LEUNG Mi-po (i/c)
    Ms LAM Ngai-ling (Deputy i/c)
    Ms LEE Hoi-lam
    Mr MAHMOOD Faisal
    Ms POON So-man


Joint School Health Ambassador Training Camp
Dream Ambassador Training
Dream Ambassador Training
Anti-smoking & Anti-drug Week
Visit to Drug Rehabilitation Island

Joyful Fruit Day
Dental Care Service Day
Korean Class
Joint School Activity
Health Workshop